Chiara and Matteo talking to prospective chemists!

Our Media Coordinator Chiara, together with UnivAQ’s postdoc Matteo Capone, attended the national event “Orientagiovani: perché Chimica è una buona scelta” organized by Federchimica.
As chemists, Chiara and Matteo were asked to talk about their university and working experiences. Plus, as science popularizers with their Instagram project “Il Chimico sulla Tavola”, they tried to deliver a crucial message: the importance of chemistry in tackling the traps of fake news in our everyday life.
Federchimica’s Orientagiovani is the official annual event of orientation to chemistry dedicated to high school students. This year, more than 5500 students from 180 high schools in all Italy attended, with the collaboration of 20 university faculties of Chemistry.
You can find the registration of the event on this YouTube; here talking about DHMO and here with a “double interview”.
Congratulations Chiara and Matteo for being chosen to represent the fun and friendly side of chemistry in such an important event!

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